Friday, 6 August 2010

Chapter 4: Begin Scene

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Ahh, happy days in the Heart household. Bellamy here is looking cheery (for once) as she moseys around town on her little bicycle, bless her.

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Bellamy spends a lot of her time away from the house- she enjoys collecting rocks and things, mainly because there's fack all else for children to do in this game >:(

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Meanwhile back at home a newly pregnant Zuma continued to mourn the loss of her fiancé Winter as she prepared to have his child (from beyond the grave!)

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But before all that it was time for Zion's birthday, wheeeeee...

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Sparkles and that.

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And here he is as a Young Adult... essentially the same isn't he?

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Upon his transition, Zion registered himself as a self-employed Artist and continued to pursue the skill.

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Meanwhile, Zuma's impressive baby bump was ever expanding...

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But all that waiting for baby to come is boring stuffs, so to keep herself amused Zuma decided to create some lovely sculptures.

Using a blowtorch with no goggles and in your undercrackers and pregnant though? Really?

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Somehow both mother and spawn avoided any sculpting accidents, and in due course it was time to welcome the new baby into the world.

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Even though Winter wasn't around anymore, at least Bellamy could be relied on to show support.

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Even Humperdink stepped in to help out in his own signature style- rocketing ahead to the hospital whilst mother slowly waddled along and tried to keep up.

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I know I know, no ghost baby...

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Oh whatevs Bell, it's not that bad.

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Ho well, Indigo here may not be a little ghostly gal, but she's still welcome in the family OKAY.

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Following the birth Zuma kept one eye always on Winter's gravestone, just hoping that he might return for one night to see his little girl, but sadly he was nowhere to be found, and his statue was a pale comparison.

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With motherhood taking up most of Zuma's time a lot of the household chores came down to Humperdink. As I'd changed one of his traits to Neat Dink was the perfect little helper robot, though maybe I should download that mod that lets you have more than five traits, cause if he goes near the sprinkler again I'm going to be so hacked off...

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With Zuma busy and Humperdink essentially a slave, the pressure to bring in the bacon fell on little Bellamy's shoulders. Sadly though her bakesale wasn't exactly the talk of the town, in fact she never sold a damn thing...

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Naturally it was only right that Zuma should get back to doing what she does best in order to make a bit of cash for the family. Every day she managed to churn out a good few statues, one of which was an opportunity request to make an ice sculpture of the lovely Drew here.

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After he was done being immortalised in ice Drew stuck around the house for a bit to see how his descendants were doing, but whilst he was there he couldn't help pulling disgusted faces at Humperdink (where's the love for Simbots in this game, seriously?)

By now I was getting a little peeved at everyone freaking out when Humperdink was around, so I did something very naughty...

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Under 'Mean' I noticed a new interaction I'd never seen before, one called 'Go Beserk'.

I'm human. I clicked it.

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Quite possibly the best picture in the history of Sims.

I don't think Drew will be coming back to this house in a hurry...

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Elsewhere in Twinbrook, Zion was out getting himself spruced up. Y'see, Zion is essentially a friendless virgin, and no matter what I try I can't seem to find the right girl for him. Consequently I decided a makeover might be the way to go, but just look who the stylist is...

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Mm. Would you really trust Crimson to give you a new look?

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Oh GREAT he looks like an even bigger bellend than before- thanks Crim *rolls eyes*

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What's the matter Bellamy, not getting enough attention are we?

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You know, this is may be the strangest family I've ever had in the Sims... They're so disjointed, and even when they're doing things together like having a nice family meal there's always some sort of strange element- I mean, just check out the look Zion's barrelling at Bellamy, what's that all about?

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At least there's one little ray of sunshine in it all. Come on Indigo, please be happy and cute...

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Yey! ^_^

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Oh my gosh, Bellamy's actually SOCIALISING WITH OTHERS. She's SMILING. Have I passed out again, is this all a dream?

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*brain explodes*

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Holy shiznits it's contagious- Indigo is somehow spreading joy all throughout the house like a sexy disease. REJOICE, MY SIMS AREN'T MOODY ANYMORE.

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My god I've missed you Winter- I need your joy in my life.

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Cripes, talk about a couple having electricity...

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As soon as Bellamy realised her daddy was around she hotfooted it downstairs to be with him, and Winter was just as happy to see her.

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What he was a little bit perturbed by though was seeing that he'd had another daughter, even whilst dead. Yup, that's some powerful ghostly sperm you have there Winter.

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OHMYGOD HUMPERDINK! I know you're excited, but seriously- put the child down!

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After an eventful evening with his family, Winter eventually retired to bed; probably a bit overcome with the emotion of it all.
Zuma found him sleeping but let him be. She lay down beside her dead lover, and slept.

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A few minutes later and Winter was gone.

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With the jubilation of Winter's appearance and Indigo's infectious joy in the house, Bellamy herself even brightened up a little and began to spend some time making friends.

I guess maybe it's too much to ask for her to look happy on the swings eh?

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She does love the trampoline though ^_^

The friend by the way is Poppy Colwen- daughter of Autumn and Zach, which makes her Bellamy's cousin.

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With some friends in her backpocket Bellamy was fulfilled and ready to take on the next exciting life stage.

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Time to become a teen! *air of anticipation*

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Oh. Are you speechless too?

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As you guys have probably gathered already my game is often subject to Moody Child Syndrome, but what's entirely new to me though is Sultry Teen Saga...

To be honest though... I loves her :D Bellamy's my teen scene queen, and her miserable face amuses me to no end.

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She's disinterested when she's on the phone to friends.

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She's indifferent when her strange older brother walks in on her sitting on the toilet.

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She's apathetic when spending time with her dearly-departed dad.

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She's nonchalant whilst collecting rocks and gems.

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She fucking loves her trampoline though.

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But perhaps there's a reason why Bell's so massively unimpressed all the time- maybe she knows more than I do.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are in glitch town.

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If it's not kids being stuck outside the school all the live-long day, it's monstrous piles of laundry taking over the world. And that's just the tip of the icelolly my friends, oh yes.

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But we'll leave to one side thoughts of misery and glitches for a while as we spend time with the adorable Indigo.

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Indigo's toddler years were calm and pleasant- Zuma spent a great deal of time caring for her daughter, even if other members of the family weren't at all interested *cough Bellamy*
Before long it was time for Indigo to age into a child.

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Oh for fucks sake...

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Bellamy, step away from the child! One mardy cow in the house is about all I can take.

Jeez, as if you haven't caused enough problems...

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You know those glitches I mentioned earlier? Well, they all have a common factor. It took me a while to figure out what it was, but pretty soon it all fell into place, and it became pretty clear what the problem was...

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Bow down to the royal sulkiness.

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I don't know why, I don't know what's causing it, but for some reason whenever Sims get around Bellamy they flip out. Seriously, I'm there trying to get the guests to play some games, eat some food- anything, but all they do is follow Bellamy around screaming at her. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen.

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And, as a true testament of peer pressure, whenever Bellamy's friends come around Indigo starts copying exactly what they're doing.

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:( My poor princess, what's wrong with you?

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Speaking of wrong, pervy Simbot statue anyone?

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I think Bell's face says it all- it always does.

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Now, whilst they're all standing still for once I think I should introduce you to Bellamy's friends.

First is Dexter Paxton- son of Allune and therefore generation 12 of the Mars bloodline.
Next is Poppy Colwen- Bellamy's cousin.
Then there's Rachel Rotten- daughter of Apple Rotten from Clairezy's Rotten Legacy.
And finally we have Jackson Skye- son of Drew Valentine and Gemini Skye (yes, that Gemini from generation 9 of The Mars Family Legacy).

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Now now Bellamy, I know it's annoying but there's no reason to take it out on Rachel, whether she's a Rotten or not.

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After much MUCH screaming and freaking out in Bellamy's general direction I eventually managed to pry Poppy away from the glitch's evil clutches to have a little go on the trampoline, which thankfully worked for a while.
Then I had an idea, and thank fudge it worked.

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For some reason, as long as the gang all meet up away from the house everything's fine, so with that in mind I sent them to the amphitheatre, and thankfully everyone was able to interact as normal. Phew!

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Bellamy's gang stayed out late into the night just hanging out together and avoiding curfew (which by the way is very annoying- I've never had a curfew in my life and I don't want my Sims to have one either).

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Oh dear I know that look... Forget it Bellamy- Jackson here is taken, by none other than your cousin in fact, so hands off.

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That goes for you too Jack!

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Skewer in the eye, sight bye-bye..

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You know this is really nice- in the past my Sims never really had friends; just relatives and romantic interests, so the fact that Bellamy has her own crew is really cool.
My favourite thing about the gang though is their reaction to any outsiders that come along...
Just look at the animosity on their faces, it makes me laugh so much :P

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After an awesome night out with her friends it was soon time for Bellamy to head back home, but not without one last look at the marvellous scenery.
That done, shall we return to glitchland a.k.a. hell on wheels?

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Barely a few minutes after Bell returned home and I was already faced with problems- namely Sims unable to eat properly. They get food out of the fridge, put it down on the table, sit down, then stand up, then spaz out because they can't sit down >: ( What the fudge.

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After that it only got weirder. Bellamy put down her plate of food and then just began to run round the house screaming. For no reason at all, just running around and screaming at the top of her lungs. I was beyond confused (slash amused) at this point.

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Oh, and then I discovered Indigo floating in the middle of the sky, absolutely honking.

It was at this point that I quit the game, and I haven't touched it since. Hopefully next chapter I can bring you some happier non-spazzy Sims. They'll probably have to move house.

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...Yeah. Until next time, adieu.

You can find the storyboard version here if you'd like to rec.

(P.s.- there were 14 gnomes last chapter).


NefariousNoises said...

agrrr my sims cant sit down either :/

Anonymous said...

That sucks! but atleast your sims game will actually start.

Evergreen said...

LOL :D I think you should stay in Glitch Hell forever xD

FuryRed said...

Noooooooooooooooo, it's driving me mental!

Bukkits said...

Is that sim-bot sculpture edward scissor hands? What's wrong with his fingers?
...Anyway it's an excellent chapter. Some of the same glitches happened in my game when I left MOO on :(

Anonymous said...

Poppy looked so cute as a kid. I WANT HER. All of my child Sims are freaks, I need to put her in the mix of townies. ;)

Emily said...

Eh I already explained the floating in sky bit 5 times. Ask and I'll tell you. I told pentameter too. Running=resetsim Bellamy Heart

Tada :P

GummiTiger said...

I'd like to have Bellamy and her crew in my town =O. Do you think you can upload your world for me ^^? If not, it's fines. And nice story :3

Evil Angel said...

Agreed, pretty good! My town is ugly! I would like them too!

FuryRed said...

Mm Westie I know what causes the floating in the sky ness, it's just them all freaking out at Bellamy that's new to me. I swear the house is like glitchapalooza...

I don't think I can upload my town, but I will have a go at uploading Bellamy's gang. Howevers, I've been having some difficultly in uploading Sims atm, as well as not being able to accept friend requests, so we'll see how it goes :)

Amieezilla said...

Ugh, I hate the floating through the ceiling. Means they gotta move house. :/ I've never had them all freak out at my sim though. Maybe they thought she was part simbot! They looked at the mommy, then they looked around, no daddy but Good ol' Dinky.

My sim currently has the running syndrome. it's funny to watch cause it just looks like she's doing everything in a hurry. "MUST REACH BED IN FIVE SECONDS."

Anonymous said...

I've never had glitches like that. Anno, right? So lame. And I'm fully patched.

Emily said...

I want to suggest names already >_<

FuryRed said...

For kiddies? Go ahead- I need all the suggestions I can get in that department :)

Emily said...

Pippa and Felicity :3 Jace? Was there another one? I lost track. oops. Asher, Cassel, Baron?

That's all I got right now. Elodie.

Anonymous said...

I'm still going for Mew Mew. :3

Or maybe Fletcher for a boy? That's naice. ;)

Kelle said...

Fury ya know who Bellamy as a teen looks like to me? Rose from Doctor Who. on certain angles i can see so much of Rose. xD

HowdySims said...

i c wat u mean.
anywho i basicly loled my head off reading this! :-D

Anonymous said...

Those glitches look really annoying. I always get a glitch just as my game is going really well, so I end up having to stop playing! I've had the screaming glitch in my game before, but only at the library. It was with my teen girl sim, she had lots of CC, so that's probably why these glitches are so frequent with her.All I can do aobut it is blame my cat for being stupid and turn my game off. Blaming the cat always makes me feel MUCH better!

Anonymous said...

I have the "LET'S RUN AROUND AND SEE WHO CAN GET TO THE KITCHEN FIRST" syndrome. >_< So annoying!

HowdySims said...

where did u get Mellamy's tiara from? or is it part of the hair, in which case where did u get the hair from?

By the way u dont haf to move house for the floating through the ceiling thing, you can just save it and turn it off and then go back into it.
works for me.
but sometimes you have to wait for the next sim day.

clairezy018 said...

Haha I'm loving your new legacy! ^_^ and your glitches are hilarious Bell is so dreamy! As soon as I saw Jackson I wanted Bell and Jack babies. >:D give me their babies...!

FuryRed said...

@HowdySims: Bell's tiara is from Peggy- I think it's donation so you may have to Sims Cave it.

Haiiiiiiiii Clairezy :D Do you likes Apple's daughter in my game? She's very much like her ma doncha think? Mebbe a little less rotten though :P

Blueyed32 said...

Hey fury, Love it :D I was wondering where you got Bells teen shoes from and her child top, love 'em both.
also <3 Indigo muchly, shes a beaut.

Anonymous said...

Love it! Floating in the air, stinking to high heaven! Maybe your sims were really evil people in previous lives? Like they all have a little bit of Harlow inside of them?

Anonymous said...

I love the way Bell's always miserable (apart from when she's on the trampoline).

Please don't make them move away from glitchtown - it's really funny :)

Great legacy. How do you download things of peggy and mod the sims?

Anonymous said...

OMG. Your sim's glitchyness is making me laugh. Soo amusing. Especially when Bellamy put down her food and ran around screaming!? If only my sim's were that funny. They're just TOO NORMAL. ggrrr...

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