Saturday, 11 September 2010

Chapter 8: I Heart Simbots

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Okay so I'm gonna be honest about this... I'm a little scared of Cassidy O_O

Look at his face! This is meant to be a nice father/son moment and instead Cassidy looks like he's plotting the downfall of western civilization.

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Still, at least Leischen remains a cutie. Nope, no signs of hidden madness there... *I hope*

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So whilst Mort was at home dealing with possible demon children, Bellamy was out styling the nation as always.

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She was very dedicated to her work, but at the weekend Bellamy put that all aside for some family time with her hubby and her kiddies <3

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Oh, and her robot of course. Family friend and personal skivvy Humperdink was of course always invited to such events, though he spent most of the time looking for gems.

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It had been a good few weeks in Simland since his mission began and unfortunately Humperdink was still no closer to achieving his dream. Regardless, he was determined to push on into the night to get what he wanted.

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Meanwhile, on the pathway during the walk home, Cassidy was suddenly overcome with that birthday feeling.

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*whimpers* Cassidy... why do you hate me?

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Don't worry Bells it's okay- I'm sure he'll calm down in a minute.

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That's it, you play some Mortal Kombat or summink. Just ignore the demon child in the background...

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I KNOW I KNOW, IT'S HORRIBLE *cries* My beautiful little Cassie is possessed!

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With that scary transformation Bellamy's attention once again turned to Leischen, because unlike her brother she didn't send spasms of fear through us all...

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Aww, but maybe I was too quick to judge- it seems Cassidy does have his sweet moments after all ^_^

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Moving from sweet to sick now as we witness Bellamy reaching level 10 in the stylist career (yay) but being punished for her achievement by being made to wear this monstrous outfit. For a stylist? Really EA?

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Someone else feeling a bit nauseous was Humperdink who, despite his obvious, oh I don't know, mechanical body, just couldn't resist going for a swim all the fricking time.

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Eventually though all the shocks and the short-outs and the time spent became worth it, because at long last Humperdink had the required element, and it was time to build.

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Here we go...

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Later that night, all eyes turned to Leischen as she celebrated her birthday.

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Moody child alert, moody child alert...

Why does this always happen to me?

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But oh oh what do I see here- Cassie and Lei actually smiling? Hmm, maybe they can be good for each other after all.

Meanwhile, outside on the balcony...

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Welcome to the household Abel T-1000 ^_^

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After crafting his creation, Humperdink was given the option to either release or adopt the Simbot, and he chose to keep him. Abel is now his son- isn't that cute?!

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Time for a father/son game of catch eh? XD

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Someone else bonding was Cassidy, who was enjoying a budding friendship with cousin Hunter Skye- youngest son of Indigo and Tyron.

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But not all members of the Skye household were so friendly... On a trip to the local swimming pool uncle Tyron didn't react well to Cassidy's games and basically just started to splash the fuck out of him :P

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Aww, poor dear.

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But even though uncle Tyron dampened his days somewhat, Cassidy survived the meanness and went on to celebrate his birthday, with all his loving friends and family there to support him of course.

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Well, loving except for Bellamy >: /

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So anyways, let's have a looksie and the newly-teenage Cassidy shall we?

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Oh my, a hot boy and cake- what more could a pervy Simmer need?

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Now I guess it's about time I told you Cassidy's traits. They are Grumpy, Evil (it all makes sense now doesn't it?) Brave, and Athletic. Consequently the boy soon began hitting the treadmill in order to build up his skills.

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In his free time Cassidy spent his days with cousin and fellow evil-doer Aspen Skye.

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He also whiled away a lot of hours chatting with the ladies, cause they all love him as you might expect.

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Well, most of the time...

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But one lady who loved Cassidy a lot a lot was Roma Rotten. I found her with him in the park one day just staring at him in adoration.

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On several occasions.

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Eventually though Roma got what she wanted- she and Cassidy became boyfriend and girlfriend.

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But I can't say Cassidy was too pleased with this development- in fact he rarely wished to spend any time with his other half, choosing instead to hang out with BFF Meaghan Paxton.

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Leischen was also making friends as she became pals with son of Wolfie and Rachel- Rayden Rotten.

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And Abel was settling into the house nicely as he followed his dad's example in the ways of appliance-love...

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Appliance lurve. The microwave is just putty in his... metal shovel hands.

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Christ this household is fucked up...

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Speaking of... After many days of Cassie ignoring his girlfriend's calls I took pity and invited her round, but Cassidy was much too interested in playing computer games with Aspen.

I just love the deathstare Roma's giving him :P

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Eventually I think Roma had enough and she just left, but the whole exchange left me with some questions in mind. I'm very much one to just let my Sims be- I follow their wishes and let freewill make their decisions- but with Cassidy being so reclusive in his desires I was having a hard time figuring out what he wanted. And then it hit me.

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Is there anything you want to tell me, bunny boy?

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But although Cassidy is the apple of my eye I put him to one side for a bit as the family celebrated Leischen's birthday.

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Ready to be a teen my dear?

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Ooh, very naice.

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Leischen took to teenage life easily- taking up jogging with Cassidy to keep herself trim... not that my Sims ever get fat actually- I don't know why.

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By now her friend Rayden was also a teen, and on a trip to visit him he lived up to his dad's legacy by hitting on Leischen immediately.

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Elsewhere in Twinbrook, Cassidy was in the park making some new friends.

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New friends :P

I didn't tell him to do this yanno, but it definitely answers my questions.

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Oh. I didn't tell him to do this either. Evil Sims yanno?

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Later that night it was a sad day for hotties everywhere as Mort aged up into an elder :(

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Yanno I think the dark skin hides the wrinkles well. If he didn't have grey hair you'd never be able to tell right?

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Er, Bellamy that's just rude. You'll be olde soon too so I'd shut it if I were you.

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Ah, that's better. It's nice to know Bellamy isn't really bothered about her husband's oldetimelyness, as long as he still feels her up every so often ^_^

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Elsewhere in the house there was less of a loving atmosphere, as things between Cassidy and Leischen hit rock bottom :(

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Why oh why can't siblings in my game ever just get on? IRL my brother is my best mate, so it's sad to see my Sims not following suit.

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I guess it can't be helped though. Cassie's Evil, so whenever I leave him alone he acts despicably, and Lei's Hot Headed so she just doesn't respond to it well.

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I hoped it wouldn't deteriorate to the point of slappage, but sadly it did.

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A lot.

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Sadly the hurt-feelings continued later in the week as Cassidy broke things off with Roma.

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He was nice enough to console her after though, bless his heart.

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Urm, Mort? What do you think you're doing? This is not a Mills and Boon novel- we don't want any pervy doctors here :/

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O_O No pricks either.

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Oh christ, just when I thought things couldn't get any more seedy along comes my Simself heavily pregnant in a catsuit.

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After chatting with Mort, Sim Fury immediately turned her attention to Cassidy which naturally made me a little nervous- we know how me entering the legacy neighbourhood tends to work out... *shifty eyes*

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Eventually the vapid whore was diverted by a nice hotdog, and Cassidy and Mort were able to have a pleasant play on the swings together.

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Later that night Bellamy came to the park to join her family, and can I just say how sweet I think this picture is. There's Cassidy gaying it up, and Bells expression is just one of pride. It's nice that she can be happy for her son and accept him the way he is ^_^

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That evening brought the end of Bell's reign of hotness as she transitioned into an elder, cry cry.

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They have aged gracefully though haven't they? Plus it's probably a fucking miracle that we've made it though this generation without anyone getting electrocuted or setting on fire.

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Time to celebrate with a bit of nookie ;)

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Someone else with romance on his mind was Humperdink. By now, Humperdink had lived for so many years but he'd spent them all alone. The recent addition of his son had helped ease the loneliness somewhat, but still the ache remained.

And so it was time to do something about it. It was time to find Humperdink a wife :O

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Nooooo, not you Kitty. I wouldn't trust Kittycattylion with my robot- she'd be clogging him up with sushi in no time :/

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God Kitty, you could have cleaned up a little...

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After the initial disappointment of a scary dirty Kitty, Humperdink had some later success with Kaylee Grahame, and she seemed pretty into him too as she flirted almost immediately.

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The following day, Humperdink took Kaylee out to the beach where he attempted to impress her with his chopping skillz.

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They enjoyed a quiet chat by the firepit together.

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And despite the objections of certain bigoted Simselves (shame on me) Kaylee and Humperdink got on very well.

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Hmm, it's a bit of an unusual first kiss, but it's sweet all the same.

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For the next few days in Twinbrook life continued pretty much as usual. The latest glitch for my Simmies is that, when they're in a group together, they kind of get stuck- just lagging and refusing to move for ages (and wetting themselves).

There's too many Sims in this household I think- I need some out pronto. Except some departures next chapter.

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One person immune from the troubles though, mainly because I keep my eye on him at all times, was Cassidy. To avoid the glitchfest that is the Heart house he spent a lot of time out jogging in the neighbourhood (and looking mighty fine).

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But soon it was time to look even finer (I hope) as Cassidy prepared to age up into a Young Adult.

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Here we go ladies...

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Ooh yah. He's essentially the same, just a bit beefier ;D

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Join us next time for a whole lotta hot Cassidy action. You know you want to.

You can find the storyboard version here if you'd like to rec.


strelitzia19 said...

I <3333 Cassidy, he's gorgeous :)

I love the pic of him gaying it up while Bells just stared at them, so sweet. :)

Thea said...

Great update. Cassidy is way to hot to be wasted on men but if he's happy I will just stare from a distance :-D

FuryRed said...

Lol! 'wasted on men' :P

strelitzia19 said...

I agree with that observation Thea :)

We will just have to keep our naughty thoughts to ourselves lol

CelestialArrow / Magik said...

Loved it!!!

CelestialArrow <3

Anonymous said...

Cassidy is gay or bi? He'd be a great heir if ya make him bi! ;)

rage said...

luv it just luv it!!1

Anonymous said...

I think your simslef and Cassidy are pretty cute together.

Hint hint!

Anonymous said...


FuryRed said...

Aye, I told you I'd take a picture of him dancing in them for ya ;) Did you like it?

xGlamorous said...

Hmm..Not sure if it's just me, but a few of the pics were random pictures of like...Us Weekly magazine and an asian girl on a beach ball. :\

Loved the story though! Great work.

FuryRed said...

Lol, what? O_O Does anyone else have that problem?

xGlamorous said...

x.x Yeah..links to SS. There were like 4 or 5 total I think throughout the story.

Kittycattylion said...

I am not a messy Kitty! :(
still.. you were sporting a pretty tight cat suit there.. a homage, maybe?

Anonymous said...

Oh, my god! Cassidy is so hot in the last picture collage! Especially the middle one!!!

Anonymous said...

I want to see leischen as a young adult! iz <3 her!!! XD

Anonymous said...

So, Fury, who's the Baby daddy?

beaglelover2008 said...

Dang, why are all the gay guys hot?!

Amieezilla said...

I'd tap that. 8)
Naw, that'd make a pixel mess. I don't want to clean that up.

Creat chapter Fuuurrryyy. :D

Anonymous said...

hi fury
just wondering where did you get bellamy's clothes, the black top and shorts that was her maternity wear?

Anonymous said...

You've been having a lot of puddingface kids, and I saw that alot in the Mars Family Legacy. The link above is for an Anti Pudding face mod.
You don't have to use it, I was just cruising for new skins and saw that.

Anonymous said...

whhhhhyyy are all your ppl gaaay!?

Anonymous said...

I totally get why you made Cassidy gay, but I was so sad!! I probably sound reallllly pervy when I say this, but he would make really good babies. I envy the dude who he ends up with!!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I don't think that there is a problemo with being gay. Why the hottie though? Cassidy would make a good heir.

Anonymous said...

BTW, when is the next chapter out?

Anonymous said...

PS: My simmie children are moody too - especially on the school bus, so it's not just you :D

Anonymous said...

fury it's sunday and no new chapter :-( Im bored with out the daily blog....

Alex lost in Sims said...

Chapter 9 is missing? CONTACT THE POLICE!

Anonymous said...

I don't want to rush you (I hate people rushing me to do my stories). Please take as much time as you like, and the end result will be even better.

Now I'm not a very patient person, but when people rush me or when I'm helping people cope with the idea of not getting another story out the very next day I usually take more time, to teach them a lesson. I HATE being rushed - it just puts you under pressure and the end result wont be as good. Please Fury, take your time. I want another one as soon as possible, but you should take as much time as you like.

Love the blog. Keep posting!


Anonymous said...

BTW my name is because I like making pretty sims - I'm not that pretty IRL!


eline said...

the pics faks up some places :(( just shows a pic saying: 'image and videor osting by tinypic' ore some shizz like that..

Anonymous said...

Yah, just click on the chapter again :)

I get that all the time.


eline said...

:((( ain't working

Anonymous said...

In which case, you just have to read it without the pics :(


Anonymous said...

Gah! Furyred!!!!!! your driving me crazy with suspense!!! When's the next chapter coming out!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :P

Anonymous said...

Give her time, I'm sure (as in, I hope) it will be out soon :)


sardonicsam said...

fury! I love you writting, and its like someone's poking me with a stick with out it. believe me, that dammn stick is annoying. but I sure it'll be up soon....... please post again!
<3 ~SS~ P.S. cassidy is very sexy <3

Anonymous said...

Hey fury i followed the mars family and my computer was out of service for a while now but i finally got it fixed and lo and behold u had started a new legacy yay lol. Anyway love love love it can't wait for the next chapter CandiAnn

Anonymous said...

I'm soo happy for Cassidy. He's found love =D even if its with a guy <3 i wasn't sure if you've put his name. can't find where its mentioned. sara, x

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