Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Chapter 12, Part 1: Tristan, Isla, Thaila

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Well I must say Twinbrook just got a lot hotter. The Heart kids are now teenagers, and it's time for them to enjoy their youth before they fully succumb to my oft-times nefarious legacy plans.

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In keeping with my hope of making all the kids actually get along for once, as teens they continued to spend a lot of time together, and their most frequent hang-out spot was the local park.

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After arriving, Regan and Tris would usually head straight to the chessboard to combat each other in a game of wits. Other members of the Heart household had different priorities...

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Obviously as an ambassador (and profession perv) for this legacy, I just had to send Sim Fury over to meet and greet the latest generation, and luckily for me Luca was more than happy to make my acquaintance.

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Well, perhaps he was a little too happy to meet me... This was the point when I sat open-mouthed at my computer as I discovered something shocking: Luca has a whole litany of romantic interactions at his disposal, and he can use them on me  O_O

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But perhaps the most surprising thing about this unprecedented situation is the fact that Sim Fury turned him down! Well, I do get it- it was a bit of a jailbait situation I know, but still- it's Luca for gawd's sake.

Soon though, Luca became the last thing on my mind when I suddenly remembered something very alarming...

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Beware of the Wolf.

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Thaila and Wolfie had been friends since she was a child and he was an immortal creeper with a grown-up son and a penchant for stalking. Now though, with Thaila's newly blossomed teen-ness and some interesting new options at my disposal, I think it was inevitable that frissons of passion would soon begin to erupt.

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I maybe should have tried to stop it, I don't know, but by this point Thaila was so enamoured with The Wolfmeister that I think it would have been cruel to crush her dreams.

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Besides, it's not like I have anything particularly scandalous to be worried about  :P

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Across the other side of town, Isla was also working on getting some lurve as she chatted up, well, anyone she could find. However, it was more self-love than the other kind she wanted, because as always the top of Isla's priorities was talking about herself.

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Tristan on the other hand had a more sophisticated approach to snaring the opposite sex. Being the genius that he is, Tristan knew that girls like men in bands, so he soon got out his guitar in an attempt to charm the onlookers.

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See, what did I tell you? Girls like guitars.

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Using his good looks, as well as his skillz and general winsome personality, Tristan was easily able to form a bond with Tammi here.

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Elsewhere in Twinbrook, Darwin and Cassidy's strong bond was being used to save lives as they battled fires and dealt with emergencies across the land.

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For the next few days in the Heart household, the teens concentrated on building up their skills.

Isla was Artistic, and so she spent a lot of time painting... in her underwear.

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She also enjoying prancing about in front of the mirror... in her underwear.

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And because she was a Snob and appearance was very important to her, Isla made sure she kept in shape.

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But it's not like everyone was completely enamoured with young Isla. The ghost of Bellamy couldn't contain her boredom when Isla talked about herself for, oh, the millionth time.

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Tristan on the other hand was faring a little better with his personal relationships. As a Genius he was able to help out other Sims with their homework, as so he became Tammi's personal tutor.

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But obviously as a Flirty Sim, Tristan couldn't help but take advantage of his position of power.

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Well, you've got to pay your tutor in some way don't you? Kisses are good currency I think.

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Er, but I don't think Cassidy approves. Perhaps he's disappointed he doesn't have any gay kids  :P

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But maybe Cassidy just needed a hobby. Now that his kids were all growed up and he'd achieved his lifetime wish (raise five children from babies to teenagers), Cassidy found himself at a bit of a loose end. However, as Cassie's the handiest Sim around, I soon set him to work upgrading all the objects in the house.
...He better bloody not get electrocuted.

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Meanwhile, outside in the garden, Thaila and Wolfie were playing tag  >_<
Oh, I don't know what to say about them. It really does seem like they're made for each other.

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It shouldn't work, but it does.

But oh, as always love is not without it's obstacles... Wolfie is married  :O
IKR! Wolfie of all people, married. Sheesh. Is his defence though I sneaked a look at his relationship bar and he and his wife hate each other  :P

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Elsewhere, in the basement, Tristan was busy bonding with his great-granddad as he asked his advice on, well, what he was about to do.

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Eeep! Any time my Sims go near a time machine I get more than a little bit nervous.

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Good luck Tris!

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But you know what? To my surprise, Tristan turned out to be the most successful time traveller I've ever had. Each time he'd jet off into the time stream and return with a smile on his face, and sometimes a new outfit or two. Twas marvellousness.

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Well, maybe he wasn't always entirely prosperous...

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Oh dear, poor Tris...


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Thaila's attempts at skillage were proving much simplier to master. As a Natural Cook she spent a lot of her time just cooking meals for Wolfie to be honest. Probably preparing for her planned future as Mrs Wolf I reckons.

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Isla also had the future on her mind. All she wanted in life was someone to listen to her talk about herself and appreciate it, and if they turned out to be hideously rich? Well, that was just a bonus.

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After venturing into the richest neighbourhood in town, Isla first attempt was Hunter Skye- who was Cassidy's childhood friend. Yep, he's the same age as her dad  >_>

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But as if that wasn't a barrier in itself, it turns out that Hunter has a girlfriend anyways- none other than Kittycattylion  O_O

Oi Kitty, you're meant to be in Twinbrook to observe and perv, not to get your paws on people!

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After that knockback, Isla was later arrested for breaking curfew and subsequently marched home and yelled at by Darwin.

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Aww. All in all it was a bit of a shitty day for Isla, but at least her best friend Thaila was nice enough to get out of bed to go comfort her.

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But although her sister's affection helped somewhat, Isla was still left dejected by the day's events. That night, she turned to her mirror for comfort, and gave herself a makeover.

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The following day was a good one for Darwin as he reached level 10 in the firefighting career. This meant both he and Cassidy were able to work from home, which is nice for them. I'll be honest though, this going-with-your-Sims-to-work thing is not all it's cracked up be. By this point in a game I like to divert my attention to the next generation and just leave the oldies to it, but when I have to go with them to emergencies and the like it gets a little difficult.

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Having said that, it's not like the given tasks are that strenuous though. Cassidy and Darwin have saved about three people in their careers, between them...  >_>

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So whilst Cassie and Darwin were at home preparing for the next possible catastrophe, Isla had skipped school in order to go to the local Consignment Store to try out her new look and pick up men.

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Later that day back at home, Tristan and Tammi were embroiled in another tutoring and make out session.

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And afterwards they decided to become boyfriend and girlfriend.

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Alongside his successful love life, Tristan continued to scour time in search of adventures, and he came home with a number of interesting outfits.

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I think I like this one the best. He looks like a novelty condom.

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But all in all Tristan achieved a lot in his teenage years. Pretty soon he reached level 8 in the logic skill, and he also discovered and named a number of stars.

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In addition to this, Tristan also continued to pursue the guitar skill, and he soon reached level 5.

But it was at this point that I suddenly couldn't care less about Tris and his skillz as I noticed something very disturbing. Can you see the horror?

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The statues! Where the fuck are the statues?! At this point I was pissed. I could only assume that the repoman had nicked them again, but the Hearts had been paying their bills properly (for once) so I was utterly confused. I was all annoyed cause I knew that I could redo every statue but Bellamy, and in that case it wouldn't be worth it. Ah, but then...

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Hmm. Okay, so I guess it's a glitch? But at least the lovely statues are still alive, wheeeeeeee. I think it means though that, when I thought Winter's statue had been repossessed and I had to redo it, it might have actually been the same deal. Ho well, at least I know now, and if you have the same issue: if the base is still there then the statue is too, just give it time.

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So, statue drama over and it was time to head to the park with Isla as she looked for yet more man meat. I was afraid though that we wouldn't have much luck, because by now a lot of the hot pre-mades I introduced in the beginning had been mixed with ugly EA bastards, and so the town had descended into the depths of fug.

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Thankfully though we soon came across a nice specimen, helped in no small part by the fact that I could see his nipples through his top  >_<

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All at once, Isla got to work chatting up the hottie.

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Meanwhile, not too far away in a secret spot, two forbidden lovers met as the moon was rising.

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By now, Wolfie has Thaila had been together but not together for a long time, and as Thaila was like infatuated with the guy she wanted to be more to him than just a dirty secret. And so, Thaila asked Wolfie to break up with his wife.

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And he said yes! Hurrah, Wolfie and Thaila are now boyfriend and girlfriend  <3

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I think Thaila was so happy she wasn't even slightly bothered when she got arrested for breaking her curfew not long after.

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The following morning, bright and early, I joined Isla as she worked on charming yet another individual (yesterday's attempt had fizzled out after nipple guy had knocked her back because he was married).

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Oh my gawsh, can Isla not have any luck?

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Aww, why is everyone so mean? I think Isla's lovely, she's just maybe a little... too aggressive in her attempts to seduce.

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Beat down once more, Isla later joined Wolfie for a nice picnic in an effort to cheer herself up a bit.

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I must say though, I was a little bit concerned when Wolfie and Isla started dancing up a storm in quite a personal fashion... But not to worry, for once it seems Wolfie's turning out to be commitment minded.

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Also, Isla loves her sister so much I don't think she'd dream of hurting her. It's nice that they're besties isn't it? They spend almost all of their time together.

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Oh well. Isla may not be lucky in love, but I'm sure she'll find someone eventually.

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And this my friends is where I bring you to a very abrupt end. Come back soon for Part 2, where we shall be exploring the lives of Regan, Jayden, and Luca. Buhbye for now!

You can find the storyboard version here if you'd like to rec.


Anonymous said...

I loves it fury ^_^

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I loves it too!


Flutterby said...

Poor Isla...she'll find someone soon. The kids are all so cute. Are you using lady frontbum skins for the freckles?

strelitzia19 said...

Loved Tristan's time-travelling outfits, especially the condom one Rofl :P

Although it is a little weird I am quite glad Wolfie and Thaila are together, they do seem to get on really well. :)

FuryRed said...

Nuh the frecklyness is a Miss Skitty skin :)

I have the same feelings about Wolfie and Thaila yanno Kimmeh. Like, on the one hand it's quite cute and they do really like each other, but on the other hand it's just really weird >_<

Thea said...

Wow didn't expect Wolfie to turn out to be such a good boyfriend O_O I shouldn't laugh but Isla's misfortune with every single man is actually turning out to be a bit of a comedic farce.

Anonymous said...

Finally a new Heart legacy. I love the new generation.

Anonymous said...

Poor Poor Isla. In time she shall have what she wants. All in time

Alex Rox said...

:D The statues! Well that is important to know, I just got a HELL load of statues freshly made, if they disappear like that I'd freak!

Alex lost in Sims said...

:3 I really like Thalila! But Regan and Tristan are still my favs. :)

Alex lost in Sims said...

Ps. When is "soon"?

rage said...

I <3 the heart family legacy!!!

Peacie said...

Haha fury..:) your storys make me laugh after a long hard day! I love tahlia and wolfie! but...itt is VERY creepy at the same time..XD

Anonymous said...

Imagine the Thalia and Wolfie children...


Uber said...

Just wondering but is Wolfie cheating on her? Because a faithful guy is no like him...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i loved this!! i absolutely adore Thaila and i love that her and Wolfie worked out even though its a bit weird..
The rest of it was great too, poor Isla though! I hope she finds someone soon! Love this legacy so much, i need to read the other ones!!

Lieutenant Butterfly said...

Tammi is too pretty for her own good. And Thalia and Wolfie... odd... If have children, they will sure be interesting.

Anonymous said...

It may be a bit odd, but i like Wolfie and Thalia together. By the way, amazing chapter! P.S. Nipple guy is really hot... It would be great if you could upload him....

Anonymous said...


So is all the chapters in this generation come in parts?

Izzy said...

I lurve Tristan ;)

PurePurple said...

I was thinking, Isla kind of acts like a princess, and a princess deserves a damn prince! Stupid sim boys not falling for Isla's seduction.

Otherwise, Wolfie and Thaila babies.... I think now we all know who Im voting for heir now. xD

Anonymous said...

Agreed with PurePurple- Thalia shud sooo be the heir! Wolfie and Tahlia babies wud be AWESOME! <3

Anonymous said...

I can see Thalia and Wolfie being the next gen parents :P from how much everyone adores them, I mean

Honey and Rosies said...

tristan is also ideal! Don't froget besides his awesome gf, guitar skills, and logic, he's a time traveler. that's so cool!!
P.S, i laughed out loud when Fury said that he looked like a novelty condom!!!!

Emily said...

Everyone's got to settle down sometime. And I did know that. It wont let me say nipping.

Amieezilla said...

Awww, how cute is teenage love? Super cute. :]

I must say best line ever: "He looks like a novelty condom" I'm so resisting to tweet or status that. xD

CelestialArrow said...

Man, Isla cant catch a break > :(( I like her though! I had a friend called Isla once

Anonymous said...

Tammi is s pretty! COuld you PLEASE upload her some how?

Tiny1 said...

When my simmies go into the time machine, nothing happens :(

Anonymous said...

Tristan Kinda looks like Zion ( from generation 2)

Anonymous said...

Im loving Tammi & Tristan. Is she uploaded? She's soo pretty, and would make for a great teenager in a family for me. If you could upload, I would be grateful. thanks =D

sara, xo

Anonymous said...

Oh fury this is awesome by the way where is Isla's hair she had before her makeover from i loves it

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